Friday, March 29, 2013

Conversations #9: Let It All Out

Ray: “Yo Vinicious, hook me up with my usual?”
Theo: “Same here.”
Mac: “Uhhh, yeah, why not. I was gonna switch it up today, but that’s cool.”
Vinny: “Alright guys, no problem. Be ready in about 15.”
Theo: “Sounds good pal.”
Ray: “It’s pretty packed today, huh?”
Mac: “Yeah, it’s weird, it’s never this packed.”
Theo: “Yo, so do you really think Vinny likes Ang?”
Ray: “Of course!”
Mac: “You can’t tell?”
Theo: “I dunno. I mean, we’ve known him for over a year now; why wouldn’t he just tell us? We see him like four times a week!”
Mac: “He’s probably just shy about it. He isn’t the most outgoing guy out there.”
Ray: “We probably help him out if he just told us, though.”
Mac: “You think Ang would give him a chance?”
Ray: “Only if you told her to! Haha.”
Mac: “Hah, you keep saying that.”
Ray: “It’s true, man!”
Theo: “Ahhh, I don’t know guys. I miss the good old days, when we could tell each other anything and not even think about it.”
Mac: “Like when we were kids?”
Theo: “Yeah, exactly.”
Ray: “Dude, I remember those days.”
Theo: “When drama was fighting over a crayon, man.”
Mac & Ray: “Haha.”
Mac: “Yeah, those were good times. I remember telling my first girlfriend ever that I liked her the first day of 2nd grade.”
Ray: “Yeahh Mac! Pimpin’ even back then! Hahaha.”
Mac: “Hah, nahh.”
Theo: “So what’d she say?”
Mac: “Who? Oh. I think…she giggled a little, and then I think we started holding hands that afternoon.”
Ray: “Danggg, second base in one day!”
Mac: “What?? Hahaha, you’re crazy dude.”
Theo: “Hah, hey, he had to start somewhere.”
Ray: “Haha…but yeah, what do you guys think happened to those days? I miss stuff like that, man.”
Mac: “You know, me too. I don’t really know, but it was so much easier back then. Everyone just said what they were thinking about, and then by lunchtime we were laughing and playing around again. Man, I really miss those days.”
Ray: “Thanks a lot Theo! Jerk! Haha.”
Theo: “Hahaha. I don’t know guys. It’s probably something to do with this whole “don’t judge me” crap that’s been going around now.”
Ray: “Ahh, yeah, I can see that.”
Mac: “Yeah, I hear it like literally at least three times a day.”
Ray: “Yeah, and it’s mostly all girls who say it, too.”
Theo: “Exactly!”
Mac: “Actually, yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever heard another dude say it before. Not seriously, anyway.”
Theo: “And the really stupid thing is that it’s literally impossible not to judge. We were talking about it Philosophy with Mama.”
Ray: “Is her last name really Mama?”
Theo: “Yeah man. Haha, she’s awesome.”
Mac: “But yeah, that’s a good point. You pretty much automatically judge everything you see or hear.”
Theo: “Or taste, touch, or smell. ‘Mmm, that smells delicious! Bleh, this feels slimy!’ and so on.”
Ray: “Ahh yo, that reminds me! I never told you guys.”
Mac: “Told us that?”
Theo: “Yeah, what’s up?”
Ray: “Alright, so last week I was talking to this girl. Pretty hot. Haha. Anyway—“
Theo: “Who was it??”
Ray: “I don’t remember her name, but I know she’s a Criminal Justice Major, and she lives in Orion—“
Mac: “A freshman Ray? Really?”
Ray: “Dammit, let me finish my story! So, like I was saying, we were talking, and she mentions that she blacked out last night—or, the night before, I mean—and tells me that when she woke up, she was on Silverbridge, totally naked, with a snapping turtle and an inflatable shark!”
Theo: “Like, on the actual bridge??”
Ray: “Yeah! That’s what I’m saying!!”
Theo: “How’d she know it was snapping??”
Ray: “Hah, well—“
Mac: “Yo, we should probably lower it down a little; people are starting to stare—”
Ray: “—and that’s how she found out!”
Theo: “Holy flip…”
Ray: “Exactly. Can’t believe I forgot to tell you guys!”
Theo: “So what’d you say back??”
Ray: “I didn’t know what to say! Haha. I just stared at her.”
Mac: “Hah, smooth Ray, smooth.”
Ray: “Haha, yeah, yeah, I know. But then—and this is what reminded me—she just puts her hands on her hips and goes ‘Hey, don’t judge me!’”
Theo: “Hahahaha.”
Ray: “I know! I just looked at her like ‘Trick, who isn’t gonna judge you if you tell them that??”
Mac: “Annnd, right on cue!”
Vinny: “Here you go guys; deep dishes all around. One meat lovers, one vegetarian, one Hawaiian—and a Sprite on the house.”
Theo: “Yes! Vinny, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”
Mac: “Thanks bud.”
Ray: “Yeah Vin, thanks for the hookup man. We’ll see if we can do the same for you and Ang.”
Vinny: “…...What???”

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Harvesting Haibuns #5


                       We stare at the clock, always meaning to do well but hardly ever succeeding.
                       At least, one of us means well. The other tears and scratches, lulls and 
                       entices, angers and annoys until the other can do nothing else but finally 
                       submit to the energy. Just one more…wait, I didn’t see this…what time is it?

Demons or the Devil
My thoughts are rarely my own
A constant excuse

The Stranger

                       Being strange to myself and yet being comfortable to others seems to be my
                       destiny and my desire. Is it just for health, or is something more sinister
                       lurking behind my wishes? It’s an intricate cobweb of self-doubt and lies
                       that I’d have to traverse to find the heart, and I think I’ll find other things
                       to do.

An outcast
Unwelcome in two homes
Embraced by the world


Friday, March 22, 2013

Conversations #8: Perspectives, Part 1

“Umm…hey, Ang?”
“Heyy, Sasha! What’s up?”
“Well, I just thought you should know…I mean, well…Ummm…”
“What is it?”
“Well…last Saturday, I was at the lacrosse house, right?”
“And I was really drunk. I mean, I was like blacked out.”
“So, umm—and I don’t even remember any of this, Kelly and Jenn had to tell me everything—so, Tom was there…”
“Tom, like…?”
“Yeah, that Tom.”
"Okayyy, so what happened?”
“Well, I didn’t really know what was going on, but he apparently just came up to me and kissed me! Like, I have no idea! I didn’t even see him; he just came out of nowhere. And I like immediately pushed him away! It was soo weird!”
"I'm really sorry, Ang. I was totally shocked, I swear."
“…It’s okay.”
“Are you sure? Because, like, I didn’t even know it was him; I mean, I was really drunk an—“
“Why don’t you stop drinking then?”
“I said, why don’t you stop f***ing drinking then??”
“Woah, Ang, I just wanted to say sorry; I thought you should know! I felt really guilty.”
“Oh, you feel guilty so you come here and ruin my day?? AGH! I knew you liked him!”
“What?? I never said that!”
“You didn’t have to. I saw you looking at him all the time when we were together! And, Stacey told me what you said about him!”
“…What’d she say?”
I KNEW IT! I don’t know, but I knew you said something!”
“Look, I came here to apologize. I don’t need you to be a b**** to me, okay??”
What did you just call me??”
“Hmph…no wonder Tom wanted to break up with you.”
Excuse me?? I broke up with him.”
“Yeah, that’s what you think.”
“…Never mind. I gotta go.”
Wait! Hey!!”
“Get off me psycho!!”
“What did you mean??”
“What do you care?? You never cared!”
“Hey, is that Angelina?”
“Where…? Oh, yeah, it is. Who’s she screaming at??”
“Hmm, no idea. Can you hear what they’re saying?”
“Yeah…something about a break up, some guy.”
“Hey, by the way, did you get your Haiti stuff in yet??”
“Yeah man, got it in yesterday!”
“Really? With who??”
“What? …Ohhh, woooow. Haha, stupid. But man, I can’t wait. It’s gonna be crazy!”
“Hahaha. I know, though! I wish it was for longer…but hey, at least it’s something, right?”

Hey guys! Here (finally) are the answers from the "Conversations #5" famous rap albums activity. Sorry it took so long to post 'em! Won't happen again. Anyway, here ya go, and look out for #2 in this new "Perspectives" trilogy I'm working on. Hope you like 'em!
  1. Things Fall Apart--The Roots
  2. Recovery--Eminem
  3. Hip Hop is Dead--Nas
  4. Ready to Die--The Notorious B.I.G.
  5. The Big Picture--Big L
  6. (Bonus--I know, I know, it's nowhere near classic) Thank me Later--Drake

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Harvesting Haibuns #4

        Jiro Dreams

                          Reaching out wearily into the unknown with but a handful of companions,
                          a flame bit my finger. From that, eternal passion bloomed, a mark that'll 
                          fade only when existence does.
Sometimes they entertain
Other times, they horrify
This time, they saved me 


                          A continuous boiling tsunami washes over ragged mountain peaks without
                          abandon. Over time, this endless cascade soothes the peaks and smooth’s 
                          the valleys into something new and beautiful.
Spiked fountain
Endless bliss
Until the end

Friday, March 15, 2013

Conversations #7: Forgive, Never Forget

“…and then he just jumped out the window!”
“Just listen to me; I never told you anything. Nothing. Got it?”
“But Zack…you let a guy commit this a joke?”
No, it’s not a joke! Would I lie about something like this??”
“Dude, I can’t believe you’re not lying about something like this. Lie! Please lie!”
“Listen Theo. They were no good anyway, and you know that. I’ve told you about them a thousand times. Last week, one of them wouldn’t even acknowledge my existence. She just came around the corner, looked at me, and then kept walking. Agh, worthless…”
“B-but Zack, that doesn’t mean y-you let a guy kill them!”
“What was I supposed to do Theo? Huh? Jump out, yell really loud and hope the sound waves shatter his gun??”
“Well, uh—“
“Exactly. I can hear you shaking; you’re can’t even speak, right? That’s exactly how I felt. Even if they were worth saving, I wouldn’t have done it. Who knows what I’d have to look forward to.”
“I mean…yeah, I know. I don’t think I could’ve done it either.”
“Exactly. All I’m saying is, the world’s better for it now. Everything’s getting shut down, I finally get to leave this hell, and I’ll be home by morning. It’s almost like a dream man, seriously.”
“…Agh, I don’t even know, man. At least you’re finally coming home. Just don’t tell anyone else! Never fully trust—“
“—anyone but yourself. I know, I know. Hah, I learned from the best, man.”
“Yeah, you did…Alright, I gotta go now. Ly should be meeting me here any second now.”
Lyra, man. You know, that black haired girl—“
“—ahhh, with the—”
“Yeah, her.”
“Right, right, I remember. Ktch! Alright, well stay safe brother. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t!”
“Man, shut up.”
“Hahah! Peace dude.”
“Peace man.”
“Heyy, Theo!”
“Yo, Ly! There you are!”
“Yeah, sorry I’m late! I got really into my workout, and I just lost track of time, and—“
“Nah, it’s all good.”
“Phew. Thanks Teddy. So, what’re we doing?”
“Ehh, I was thinking maybe taking a lap around Silverbridge? There’s a full moon out tonight, and it looks pretty beautiful when it hits the water.”
“Oooo. Sure, let’s go!”
“So, what’d you do today?”
“Huh? Sorry.”
“Heh, it’s okay. What’d you do today??”
“Ohh. Hah, my bad. Umm, not much…I did some drawing in the studio, then I headed up to Rock for lunch…finally stopped by the Pearl office for that interview they asked me to do—“
Finally! They took so long with that. So when does the article come out??”
“It should be out not this coming week, but next week. I think it went pretty well!”
“That’s awesome Teddy!”
“Hah, yeah…”
“What’s up?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“You sound like something’s troubling you. Is everything okay?”
“Oh. Well, I guess so. I just have a lot to do, and a lot’s been going on recently.”
“Already? It’s only been a few weeks!”
“Yeah, tell me about it. But, I guess it’s better to be busy than to be bored, right?”
“Well, yeah, I guess so…”
“Hey, Lyra?”
“Huh? Yeah?”
“Do you think everyone deserves to be forgiven?”
“Hmmm…Yeah, I think so. I mean, there’re still people who I haven’t forgiven from high school…but I haven’t thought about them in so long, I think if I saw them one day I’d just do it to get it over with.”
“What do you think?”
“Well, I mean…I’ve only ever hated two people before. Like, actually hated.”
“Ahh. Who?”
“Just these two stupid kids from high school.”
“Hmm. Isn’t College so much chiller than high school?”
“TELL ME about it. Agh, I hated high school.”
“Me too. But anyway, what were you saying?”
“Ehh, it’s just that, right now I wouldn’t mind throwing my pride aside and forgiving them and everything, but then I start thinking about what they did, and how terrible I felt. Then I can’t forgive them, because I remember why I swore I never would in the first place.”
“Hmm. Well, you don’t have to forgive them. You probably won’t even see them again, right?”
“That’s true…” But then, why does it keep coming back to me?
“Oh my God, look Teddy! You were right, the lake is gorgeous! It’s so silver.”
“It’s like your eyes, Ly.”
“Hehe, think you’re so smooth, don’t you?”
“Nahh…But man, look at this…nights like these make you wonder, huh?”
“They always do, Teddy.”